Monday, May 2, 2011


The time has come. Did I ever think I would be writing a blog dedicated to something that I despise so much? No. But - it needs to be addressed and I will tell you why! Last night at approximately 6:30pm our electricity ran out. At this time it is already fully dark (since it’s winter here). All of the local shops where you can “buy” electricity were “out of it”. I do have to explain this briefly…I don’t understand how electricity works here. All I know is that people buy it as they go (like cell phone airtime) and get a “pin number” that they punch into this contraption in their house and magically more electricity comes. The kicker is that sometimes the shops that sell it are “sold out”. How that is possible I do not understand – but it is. So anyway – we were going to be without electricity for the whole night. WHICH leads me to cockroaches…

I have discovered that I have split personalities when it comes to cockroaches. Personality One comes out when I see a cockroach outside (which hadn’t happened until today actually), inside my main house that I share, or in another building. This personality is so used to seeing cockroaches that she doesn’t even flinch anymore (unless they’re extra big). I don’t bother killing these ones, because if I did – I would be killing an insane amount of cockroaches a day. Cockroaches of all sizes roam the main house freely – and especially love the kitchen. I do have to say that despite being immune to them – this personality insists on airtight sealing all food items both in the cupboard and in the refrigerator. Oh. And she can sometimes still freak out a little (like last night when I was using a flash light to go to the bathroom and I picked up the roll of toilet paper, thought there was a cockroach on it, and dropped the whole thing INTO the toilet…opps).

Let me just give a good example to the extent of how infested this kitchen is hence why I have become immune. The other day I went to use the microwave (they love microwaves because they are so warm). Well, I was about to push the start button when I stopped because I could see a cockroach right by the start button…but then wait…realized that the cockroach was blocking the digital clock from INSIDE the microwave not the outside! Silly me.

Personality Two only comes out in my personal room. This is the crazed cockroach killer. I spent five minutes last night trying to trick a cockroach out from under my bed with my flashlight (I got him with my flip flop don’t worry!). I will stop at nothing when it comes to killing cockroaches in my room. And until lately – this has been relatively non-issue. My only conclusion is that because of the cold weather, they are seeking shelter and my room is fair game. My hypothesis is that they come in through the crack between my wooden ceiling and the roof area (which I’m sure isn’t sealed off). So – the plan is tomorrow to go to the hardware store and buy a caulking type sealer/instrument and attempt to cockroach proof my ceiling.

Despite this, I am actually lucky. Considering how many cockroaches live in the main house the small amount I’ve seen in my room is actually very surprising. Until two days ago I hadn’t even seen a big one in my room. I classify a cockroach as “big” if I can 1) hear it walking 2) it would take up a good length of my palm. The big cockroach sighting happened at 1:22am when I woke up and heard the sounds. Then I turned on the light and was able to get it with DOOM. Last night – there were three cockroach sightings in my room. Two small, one big. One of the small ones was ON MY PILLOW…which lead to a pretty much sleepless night…and a big one near my bed (it had somehow been knocked onto its back which made it very convenient to spray with DOOM). I will kill small to medium cockroaches with my flip flops but big ones must be sprayed with DOOM. This personality exists because the thought of a cockroach walking on me as I sleep is too much for me to handle.

I was thinking about my split personalities last night as I lay in bed – listen to my iPod trying to fall asleep and not let myself listen for cockroach sounds (unsuccessfully I might add). It is one of those things that once you think about it, you can’t stop. Due to the electricity being off I was feeling extra vulnerable because even if I DID hear one I might not be able to find it with just my flashlight. (Do you see why I have to describe this personality as “crazed”?). Oh well – I’m hoping that after I can seal off my ceiling I’ll have way less cockroach sightings. I’m not sure where else they would come in. Then again – we’re talking about cockroaches so I’m sure they’d figure out a way…


  1. Alana, can I just tell you that I subscribe to A LOT of blogs, but I rarely make it through a post before I close the window. I'm just not all that intrigued with most other bloggers. That being said, I LOVE your blog. I'm enjoying reading about your journey and your life makes me appreciate things I take for granted (like how the biggest bug I've seen in my house to date was the size of a dime). Thanks for writing so we can all follow your journey! I love it. P.S. No part of this post disturbed me more than the comment about being able to hear them walking! Yikes! There is a special place in Heaven for you.

  2. The fact that you could hear the cockroache walk makes me want to gag!
    But I do love reading about your adventure! Keep posting!

  3. Do cockroaches bite?... that would be my main concern.

  4. Lisa - thanks! That makes me feel great - b/c I too have read my share of boring blogs! I try to keep it entertaining! (I also like yours - I just need to start commenting!) : ) UM - yes. Hearing a cockroach walking is really disturbing. The first time I heard it I thought it was MICE.

    Mom - it gives me the shivers when I hear it!

    Don - cockroaches don't bite. In fact I'm not really sure what they do b/c they aren't really attracted to food either. I'm not sure what their purpose is other than to creep me out.

  5. I'm sorry to say this but I'm sitting here imagining all of these things happening and I started laughing out loud. Stay brave, my friend.
