Saturday, November 6, 2010


It's finally here!
After almost a full year of anticipation, I received my official Peace Corps Invitation Tookit on November 4th 2010!  The mix of emotions I'm feeling as this invitation comes and I accept it is hard to describe.  Excited is a big one, scared out of my mind, nervous, anxious, curious, the list goes on and on.  But I have to say that I am VERY, VERY excited with my placement in SOUTH AFRICA!!  What a cool country to be placed in!  My job title as of now is "HIV Outreach Worker". 

My mother is happy (with the location) at least.  And she keeps telling people "at least it's not the Congo!!" at which I automatically have to say (to counter her dramatics) "they don't have the Peace Corps in the Congo Mom, don't be so dramatic".  I've told her this repeatedly but she still insists on using the Congo as her scary-place-I-could-have-been..Mothers! : ) However this is still the Peace Corps, and by no means will be an easy transition into the culture of South Africa which as recently as two decades ago had a political and social system similar to "separate but equal" 1950's Mississippi.  On the same hand South African culture is referred to as the "Rainbow Nation" with ELEVEN official languages, and so much cultural diversity!  It's a country known for its rich history, and friendly people!  I couldn't be happier with this placement, and I'm really excited to dive into learning all I can about South Africa and its history. 

On a last note, although three months seems like a short time before I leave, many people get their Invitations only six weeks I am also SO GRATEFUL that I have this information now and can begin the massive process of taking care of the 1029384 things I need to before I leave.  More than overwhelming, but defiantly manageable!

I can’t believe this journey is underway – I can’t wait to share more with you as it continues!