So it comes down to this! In a few hours I will be waking up to head off to South Africa. My flight is 15 hours non-stop which is nice...I plan on sleeping through a lot of it (thank you to dramamine and my ability to fall asleep at anytime, anywhere, in any position).
As I leave I'm thinking about how excited I am to meet my host family, how cool everyone is that I have met here at staging, and how I can't wait to get to know people better. It's an absolutely AMAZING feeling to know that everyone else was having the same close-as-you-can-get to nervous breakdown as I was about packing. How we are all essentially worried about the same things, and looking forward to the same things.
It's an exciting thing to be around so many people who care about the same subjects and topics that I do, and are interested in doing the same type of work that I am. It's an immediate comfort in many ways.
To everyone that has been so supportive to me I want to say a thousand times THANK YOU. My family and friends have been beyond amazing in their love and support and I don't think I could be here if it wasn't for you showing me how much you care! I love you all, and will miss you immensely.
You may discover that I LOVE good quotations, and I found this one and it made me smile and be happy with my choice knowing that I'm about to embark on a several dreams that I've had since high school. 1) join the Peace Corps 2) live in Africa for part of my life. Now they are coming true and I couldn't be more excited!
"Don't follow your dreams, chase them" - R.D.
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